23 April, 2008

Rant - Part 2

Its not the 'actual' buses or the drivers i have a problem with. Its not even the annoyance when someone gets on with a huge bloody backpack, or when there are so many people crammed in that you cannot get a seat, are thrown about as the bus jolts every 10 seconds and getting constantly jabbed in the ribs or the head. Oh No! My problem with the buses is that they always make you feel bad.

Whenever i get on, i find myself staring out the window watching the world go by and i start to think lots of random things that i never think about at any other time of the day. I think about SB. I think about my friends and family who i miss. I start to question my ability, my decisions, my life. Why? I don't know but whenever i get off a bus, i always feel a little sorry for myself.

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