07 January, 2008


What did we do prior to text messages?

Like most i have used text's to say all the things i would never have the balls to say to someones face (see post how did i get here?!) They have killed the ability to really communicate our true feelings. Most of us i am sure have had that feeling the next morning when we woke and thought 'shit what did i text last night?!'

Well last night i text SB. All my friends are getting together this Saturday as it's my last weekend for leaving drinks and i felt like i wanted to invite him and try and salvage friendship at least from our relationship. It seemed like a good idea at the time, to make a gesture. But was i just trying to make a statement! PS I'M LEAVING sort of statement.

If he says he doesn't want to come I'll feel bad. If he does and turns up what will i feel and will it ruin my night. And horror of horrors what if he turns up with her and expects me to be friends with them?? Am i ready for that. Can anyone really be friends with an ex?! Do i want him to be my friend?

So this morning i woke with that feeling of 'oh god' and he had not replied, guess ill just have to wait and see.

1 comment:

Dervish said...

I have tried to be friends with my ex but it never seems to have worked. Maybe it's got something to do with me and so now I don't even try!!

But the "last night text syndrome" is something we all have been through. I guess the important thing is to learn from our misadventures and follow our intuition!!